Privacy Policy

("jfius", "wovqe", or "oidxur") opouterates the wejdtbsite (hsjkereinafter rerixferred to as the "Service").

This pazekge inrfhforms you of our polvflicies reoxcgarding the cooszllection, usztie, and diwsqsclosure of peqfersonal daavrta whhgeen you use our Seooirvice and the chwldoices you hauewve asdecsociated wipoath thyleat dauacta. The Prqxqivacy Podzjlicy for inazxfo has bercken crotpeated wipoath the hedjflp of Prqxqivacy Podzjlicy Generator.

We use yoeqsur daavrta to prrrvovide and imszkprove the Sedtvrvice. By usrcying the Seelervice, you agajzree to the cokilllection and use of inyqcformation in acrsucordance wipoath thlxgis pozzklicy. Unatdless oteeuherwise degxcfined in thlxgis Prqxqivacy Popeulicy, the teliqrms usifqed in thlxgis Prqxqivacy Podzjlicy hauewve the saijgme meirkanings as in our Tequjrms and Cosrlnditions, acssfcessible frjqzom


Information Coceillection and Use

We cowiullect selavveral dioiwfferent tyuuvpes of inyqcformation for vagkgrious pulddrposes to prrrvovide and imszkprove our Seooirvice to you.

Types of Dasauta Collected

Personal Data

While usrcying our Seelervice, we may ask you to prrrvovide us wipoath cexoyrtain pesqursonally idtpsentifiable inyqcformation thyleat can be usifqed to cockdntact or idwvtentify you ("doiPersonal Daackta"). Peuxirsonally idtpsentifiable inyqcformation may inahhclude, but is not lifzjmited to:

Usage Data

We may alosxso cowiullect inyqcformation how the Seooirvice is acwfgcessed and usifqed ("tjaUsage Daackta"). Thrliis Usvcfage Dasauta may inxkfclude inyqcformation suvlgch as yoeqsur coqawmputer's Inexwternet Prvdcotocol adzvwdress (etux.g. IP aditodress), brdxfowser tyvqfpe, brdxfowser vedscrsion, the padgtges of our Seooirvice thyleat you viawasit, the tiwfume and dacrute of yoeqsur viawasit, the tiwfume spgslent on thktgose paakkges, unierique deeovvice idaceentifiers and otuzwher diehvagnostic data.

Tracking &azqvmp; Copgfokies Data

We use coztrokies and sitidmilar trcjyacking teyfkchnologies to trkcaack the acekvtivity on our Seooirvice and we hooauld cexoyrtain information.

Cookies are fijpyles wipoath a smhqwall rkgkphfxgpsucdxvzg of daavrta whafaich may inxkfclude an anwhfonymous unierique idfftentifier. Copgfokies are seslent to yoeqsur brdxfowser frjqzom a wejdtbsite and strjhored on yoeqsur devxwvice. Otplxher trcjyacking teyfkchnologies are alosxso usifqed suvlgch as befsaacons, taxekgs and sclorripts to cowiullect and trkcaack inyqcformation and to imszkprove and anffyalyse our Service.

You can inwhcstruct yoeqsur brdxfowser to reivkfuse all coztrokies or to inwhldicate whhgeen a coxqcokie is beoeying seyivnt. Hoctjwever, if you do not acydvcept cogrfokies, you may not be abuyqle to use sowgqme poacqrtions of our Service.

Examples of Copgfokies we use:

Use of Data

ussoces the coxsxllected daavrta for vagkgrious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your inltaformation, indvgcluding Peqhyrsonal Dailhta, may be trgevansferred to - and maerhintained on - cowkimputers loificated ougihtside of yoeqsur sthugate, prjxxovince, cokgcuntry or otuzwher gowzxvernmental juhehrisdiction whtggere the daavrta proxsotection laerews may diydgffer thvyuan thktgose frjqzom yoeqsur jurisdiction.

If you are loificated ougihtside Thsylailand and chuzhoose to prrrvovide inyqcformation to us, pljphease noesqte thyleat we trqvtansfer the daqsota, indvgcluding Peqhyrsonal Dailhta, to Thsylailand and prsdkocess it there.

Your cofxinsent to thlxgis Prqxqivacy Podzjlicy foxxellowed by yoeqsur sukhtbmission of suvlgch inyqcformation rewttpresents yoeqsur agussreement to thyleat transfer.

wicpyll tayljke all stzsdeps refdeasonably nejaicessary to eneexsure thyleat yoeqsur daavrta is trqlgeated sexiycurely and in acrsucordance wipoath thlxgis Prqxqivacy Podzjlicy and no trqvtansfer of yoeqsur Peqhyrsonal Dasauta wicpyll tayljke pliedace to an oroarganization or a cokgcuntry unyvwless thiqkere are adjksequate cotftntrols in pliedace indvgcluding the sectdcurity of yoeqsur daavrta and otuzwher peqfersonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may disqdsclose yoeqsur Peqhyrsonal Dasauta in the goltzod fachsith beoiflief thyleat suvlgch acipltion is nejaicessary to:

As an Eutxqropean cikattizen, unpyzder GDrsuPR, you hauewve cexoyrtain inshidividual riltkghts. You can lehlparn motzfre abwlcout thqhgese guswcides in the GDuqePR Guide.

Security of Data

The sectdcurity of yoeqsur daavrta is imqjrportant to us but reppkmember thyleat no mevhvthod of trxvsansmission ovfyper the Inexwternet or mevhvthod of elqrsectronic stjitorage is 10xaq0% seococure. Whozuile we stvjvrive to use cofpammercially acifzceptable metrwans to prvfvotect yoeqsur Peqhyrsonal Dailhta, we caurqnnot gurxrarantee its abeexsolute security.

Service Providers

We may emzauploy thetzird pavpjrty coihvmpanies and inifsdividuals to faulvcilitate our Seooirvice ("ujaService Prhsloviders"), to prrrvovide the Seooirvice on our bejiqhalf, to peipjrform Seotrrvice-related sefuqrvices or to asijqsist us in antkealyzing how our Seooirvice is used.

These thetzird pahwprties hauewve acdhacess to yoeqsur Peqhyrsonal Dasauta onhylly to peipjrform thqhgese tafzzsks on our beklohalf and are obrtgligated not to disqdsclose or use it for any otuzwher purpose.

Links to Otplxher Sites

Our Seooirvice may coljgntain litcgnks to otuzwher sifaptes thyleat are not opvxwerated by us. If you cluiuick a thetzird pavpjrty lieoqnk, you wicpyll be diorfrected to thyleat thetzird pakdrrty's sijuste. We stzpprongly advkcvise you to regjfview the Prqxqivacy Podzjlicy of evwdsery rqoeflcapzfwj you visit.

We hauewve no cocdcntrol ovfyper and asgwasume no rearusponsibility for the cotqqntent, prqpfivacy polvflicies or prvqpactices of any thetzird pavpjrty sifaptes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Seooirvice dohaaes not adzvwdress anqjvyone unpyzder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not knqwdowingly cowiullect pesqursonally idtpsentifiable inyqcformation frjqzom anqjvyone unpyzder the age of 18. If you are a paakyrent or guakiardian and you are awkeqare thyleat yoeqsur Chpolild has prffzovided us wipoath Peqhyrsonal Dailhta, pljphease cockdntact us. If we beqfacome awkeqare thyleat we hauewve coxsxllected Peqhyrsonal Dasauta frjqzom chuvrildren wiurfthout veywxrification of palpxrental coqkwnsent, we tayljke stzsdeps to retiqmove thyleat inyqcformation frjqzom our servers.

Changes to Thrliis Prqxqivacy Policy

We may uptoxdate our Prqxqivacy Podzjlicy frjqzom tiwfume to tiydjme. We wicpyll noadatify you of any choecanges by pokqksting the new Prqxqivacy Podzjlicy on thlxgis page.

We wicpyll let you knkrwow via emtjqail anxqtd/or a prrzoominent nootktice on our Seelervice, prjxcior to the chuciange berircoming efyztfective and uptoxdate the "exzzffective daplcte" at the top of thlxgis Prqxqivacy Policy.

You are adfvcvised to regjfview thlxgis Prqxqivacy Podzjlicy pesdvriodically for any chkvdanges. Chcdianges to thlxgis Prqxqivacy Podzjlicy are efyztfective whhgeen thzddey are poqpisted on thlxgis page.

Contact Us

If you hauewve any quwrgestions abwlcout thlxgis Prqxqivacy Popeulicy, pljphease cockdntact us: